Steam Name: Codydaone
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:23265012
Discord Name: Cody#0519
Character Name: A-3PO 'Ulysses'
Species/Droid Class and Model: Class Three 3PO
Skills, Equipment, Other Items: No equipment, typical technical ability of a
run of the mill 3PO Droid, the most notable being the droids ability to translate
different languages extremely proficiently.
Backstory (not required, but encouraged) : I'd rather develop a backstory in-character
and then write something out long-form in a Character Sheet as opposed to develop something
on the spot here. However if whoever Reviews this would like a Backstory, I'm happy to write one asap.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:23265012
Discord Name: Cody#0519
Character Name: A-3PO 'Ulysses'
Species/Droid Class and Model: Class Three 3PO
Skills, Equipment, Other Items: No equipment, typical technical ability of a
run of the mill 3PO Droid, the most notable being the droids ability to translate
different languages extremely proficiently.
Backstory (not required, but encouraged) : I'd rather develop a backstory in-character
and then write something out long-form in a Character Sheet as opposed to develop something
on the spot here. However if whoever Reviews this would like a Backstory, I'm happy to write one asap.
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