Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:39260849
Discord Name: Reiuzi#0425
Character Name: Byyrnoth Grungnoksson
Brief Backstory (Keep this very brief, don't tell us your life story): Hailing from the mountainhomes and fortresses of old, Byyrnoth is a 60 year old Dwarf with experience as a Gateguard - an important guardian position for with some honors,, being able to judge those outsiders worthy of coming into a dwarf hold. Unfortunately for him, he was once injured by a party of goblins who had found him unawares. Byyrnoth now is a Smith of good caliber, though his beard itches for adventure once more.
What do you want for your character:
The means to create armor, weapons and other things made of metal, stone or wood.
A suit of armor, a warhammer and a shield.
Why should you get what you want: I have always wanted to play a dwarf. Not only can I bring a rich and fun character to life but contribute a large amount of energy to any situation with the unwavering attitude of a dwarf.
Discord Name: Reiuzi#0425
Character Name: Byyrnoth Grungnoksson
Brief Backstory (Keep this very brief, don't tell us your life story): Hailing from the mountainhomes and fortresses of old, Byyrnoth is a 60 year old Dwarf with experience as a Gateguard - an important guardian position for with some honors,, being able to judge those outsiders worthy of coming into a dwarf hold. Unfortunately for him, he was once injured by a party of goblins who had found him unawares. Byyrnoth now is a Smith of good caliber, though his beard itches for adventure once more.
What do you want for your character:
The means to create armor, weapons and other things made of metal, stone or wood.
A suit of armor, a warhammer and a shield.
Why should you get what you want: I have always wanted to play a dwarf. Not only can I bring a rich and fun character to life but contribute a large amount of energy to any situation with the unwavering attitude of a dwarf.
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