Corellian Run Rules


On Server Rules

1. All rules of C85 apply here. You can be banned for rules broken in the union.

2. I know its memeable, but memes such as #rodianlivesmatter and stuff are not allowed.

3. General roleplay rules; No minging, no harassment, no asspulls, no failrp.

4. Combat is play to logic except if announced otherwise. Realistically take and give blows.

5. Current Character Limits:
Force sensitive limit is 4. Current slots filled 3
Hutt limit is 1. Current slots filled 0
Mandalorian limit is 2. Current slots filled 1
Fett Clone limit is 1. Current slots filled 0
Chiss limit is 1. Current slots filled 0

All of these characters must log in ever week in order to keep them. Failure to do so means the possible loss of that character.
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Venturer Rules

1. On ship transmissions MUST be listed with Incoming Transmission.

2. Please describe anything you can in the most detail you can possible.

3. All rules of C85 apply here. You can be banned for rules broken in the union.

4. Credit deductions, injuries, and etc. must be displayed on server when characters RTB.

5. PLEASE RECORD THE VENTURE. We will have groups on C85 Discord for this, otherwise save it to a .txt or Google Doc.

6. By no circumstances are any characters to go near these places at these times:
Scarif System, from BBY 10 - BBY 0
Kashyyyk System, from BBY 10 - BBY 0
Geonosis System, from BBY 19 - BBY 4
Kamino System, from 10 BBY - 4 ABY
Alderaan System, at 0 BBY
Yavin System, at 0 BBY
Tatooine System, at 4 ABY
Byss System, at 10 ABY
Endor System, pre-Battle of Endor
The Rishi Maze
Firefist at 4 ABY
The Chiss Ascendancy, at all
Ilum, at all
Vector Prime, at all

Disobeying of this rule will PK all characters on venture.
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Keep us running!

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