Steam Name: Cash
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33934051
Discord Name: Cash#5963
Character Name: Draxil Hicks
Species/Droid Class and Model: Human
Skills, Equipment, Other Items: Vibroblade w/ Cortosis Weave.
Backstory (not required, but encouraged) :
Draxil, before he became a mercenary, was a simple scavenger going through wrecks of old, scrap yards of new and federal areas of interest where junk and treasures of the dead were stored. He happened to stumble upon an old Vibroblade in his scavenging which he liberated from it's a depressed heap of a home, after creating a small leather sheath for it. He was ready to rock, in the cool Merc kind of way.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33934051
Discord Name: Cash#5963
Character Name: Draxil Hicks
Species/Droid Class and Model: Human
Skills, Equipment, Other Items: Vibroblade w/ Cortosis Weave.
Backstory (not required, but encouraged) :
Draxil, before he became a mercenary, was a simple scavenger going through wrecks of old, scrap yards of new and federal areas of interest where junk and treasures of the dead were stored. He happened to stumble upon an old Vibroblade in his scavenging which he liberated from it's a depressed heap of a home, after creating a small leather sheath for it. He was ready to rock, in the cool Merc kind of way.