Item/Function Suggestion Thread


Staff member
You can use this thread to suggest items that you'd like to see in-game. God knows it's easy enough for me to code them in, and considering I have a pretty good knowledge of writing bases at this point, and creating fully-functioning items that have a variety of uses, you should feel more than free to suggest whatever you want.

New functions for existing items: Basically, a description of stuff I can code into the bases for our items, so that you can interact with these things differently.

Keep in mind that there are some physical limitations of what I can do with code, right now - things like any items that use numbers for whatever reason can be kind of weird, and if things take into consideration decimal places - well I simply can't do that, as of now, since mostly everything uses whole numbers, just to make life easier for all of us.

Feel free to throw in things you'd like to see be a part of the server, be that cars, weapons, models - I basically can pull apart virtually anything for the purpose of integration into our current collection, while preserving file efficiency, for now.

Really the only things that I cannot actively do at the moment are making any DRASTIC changes to code that isn't actively maintained by me - this means adding in new functions so say - the base NutScript framework, even though I *have* done that in the past, since we're currently pulling updates from the master 1.1-beta branch for NutScript directly from github. Anything that might need to be added to say, the sv_hooks.lua file, for new commands, I can essentially write those additions into their own plugin. Which is basically what I did in order to write the /transfermoney function so that you can basically use an IC version of PayPal to transfer money between players.

But personally - I would love to see the community's suggestions - especially if you've come up with new brand-names, and Cyberpunk-lore friendly stuff.

What I basically mean by this, is say - you want us to make vendors on the sidewalks that sell a specific brand of soda. I absolutely detest of food/drink items when the item is like "A can of cherry soda" - I'd rather see something like "NiCola - Red Alert" and then write the fact that hey, it's cherry-flavored soda, somewhere into the description. I'm a really really big stickler for things that focus heavily on the idea that a person "might already know" what the brand and product is at an IC level, but maybe not at an OOC level, which is largely what descriptions are for.

Especially if you come up with an idea for just a new "product line," and you're like "Hey I have an idea for this brand of BREAKFAST POWERWORD, here's the brand, here's all the flavors." I would be more than happy to code those items into the game. There's nothing worse than being IC in a massively immersive CyberPunk world, only to be given an item that is like "A bottle of Vodka" - Okay, what kind of Vodka? Triple-distilled? What's the brand? Is it something that society sees as high-class shit, or low-tier alcoholic fuel you find in a gas station, or clutched by a hobo under a bridge, somewhere?

All that stuff is really easy to do. I just ask for a name, and a description, and I can do the rest.

Things like crafting and cooking, however, I've largely decided to leave out of the script as of now. I know that people really enjoy crafting functions a lot - but I really detested of the idea of spending one's time going around and wheeling and dealing for gun parts to crafting-table-mode a gun together when you're living in the year 2085 - just buy the damn thing. The big "flair" of all of this is that you really have no limit as to how the fuck you modify these things. This is why some guns have electronic grips that have software loaded in them that give you certain ability boost when you grip the handle. This is why you can basically "ChipWare" swords, into functioning the way that you want to.

Also another thing - explosive weaponry. I try to stay away from this, purely because I really dislike coding weapons. Is it hard to make the item? No - not at all. Every gun in the game is roughly 12 basic lines of code - unless you're looking to draw them holstered on a character which is a lot of tedious bone-naming and angle-defining. However, it's HOW the gun functions at the SWEP level that gets annoying to deal with - at no point in time are there ever just weapon packs that you add to content, define the ammo, and pow, it works. You also actually need to decompile the entire addon, go into every single SWEP lua file, and then modify the SWEP.ammo as well - and it does get really confusing, if you're easily forgetful, like myself, because guns are essentially three things per gun: The in-game item that you pickup or buy, the ammo file that defines the ammo item it uses, and then the SWEP file that the weapon item tells the script to give you when you equip that gun - and ammo is defined in every single one.

And honestly, Explosives just add another thing to think about. They're not meant to be used *that* much in-game anyways - there's a lot of breakable shit in the city that a lot of very rich and powerful men and women would be upset about if it suddenly blew up.

But truly - suggest any augment items that you'd like to see, I am absolutely more than willing to code it all in.

Keep us running!

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