What is a Killmark?
Killmarks, or "KM's," as they're called in shorthand by most individuals in MetroHK, are both a form of recognition of service to the CREST program, as well as a type of "Kill-currency."
Killmarks can be obtained through the confirmed death of any crest-marked individual, this is done by either retrieving the dog-tags from the dead target, or by taking a time-stamped, and preferably witness-approved photo of the target's dead body. Alternatively, if a target's remains are too destroyed to be identified, JCORP Security Forces may send an observer to the aftermath of the combat, to bear witness to the downed targets, at which point kill-marks will be rewarded.
Killmarks will only be rewarded to the individual who delivers the killing blow, to a crest-marked individual.
Killmarks are transferable between individuals.
What are they useful for?
Killmarks can either be kept as memorabilia, showing your contribution to the CREST Program, or can be exchanged, depending on rank of target killed, for physical currency. Killmarks can also be used as a currency in and of themselves.
What do Killmarks look like?
Killmarks come as a small, silver, commemorative coin. While record of killmarks earned are always kept as a digital file on your record, they are also kept as a coin with both a QR Code embedded, as well as an NFC chip within them, which can be read by most NFC-Enabled phones, for information about said Killmark.