Permits are obtainable from any Imperial official on station or otherwise. All units are authorized to sign and give them out.
Business Permit - 500: Allows a person to operate a business of any type. Access to g flag.
Arms Dealer Permit
Grade 1 - 500 Credits : Ability to sell small blaster pistols. Access to y Flag.
Grade 2 - 2000 Credits: Ability to sell medium arms all up to such as heavy blaster pistols and blaster rifles. Access Y to flag.
Grade 3 -7500 Credits: Ability to sell all up to heavy arms. Access to v Flag.
Vehicle Shop Liscence - 4500 Credits: Ability to repair and restore vehicles of all types; speeders, swoops, starships. Access to repair tool.
Air Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 6500 Credits: Ability to sell aircraft.
Land Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 2500 Credits: Ability to sell land speeders and swoops.
Spacecraft Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 15000 Credits: Ability to sell spacecraft.
Equipment Dealers Permit
Grade 1 - 500 Credits: Ability to sell basic hardware. Access to f flag.
Grade 2 - 4000 Credits: Ability to sell better hardware. Access to F flag.
Grade 3 - 9000 Credits: Ability to sell exotic hardware.
Junkers Permit - 500 Credits: Ability to junk and recycle droid and craft products and sell it.
Medical Liscence - 5000 Credits: Ability to operate on people.
Resource Gathering Operation Permit - 25000 Credits: Ability to gain resources to produce objects. Passive income = 1000 Credits per week.
Cargo Transport Permit - 500 Credits: Ownership of one cargo transport.
Starfighter Permit - 5000 Credits: Ownership of one starfighter.
Freighter Permit - 750 Credits: Ownership of one freighter.
Landspeeder Permit - 200: Ownership of one land speeder or swoop.
Business Permit - 500: Allows a person to operate a business of any type. Access to g flag.
Arms Dealer Permit
Grade 1 - 500 Credits : Ability to sell small blaster pistols. Access to y Flag.
Grade 2 - 2000 Credits: Ability to sell medium arms all up to such as heavy blaster pistols and blaster rifles. Access Y to flag.
Grade 3 -7500 Credits: Ability to sell all up to heavy arms. Access to v Flag.
Vehicle Shop Liscence - 4500 Credits: Ability to repair and restore vehicles of all types; speeders, swoops, starships. Access to repair tool.
Air Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 6500 Credits: Ability to sell aircraft.
Land Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 2500 Credits: Ability to sell land speeders and swoops.
Spacecraft Vehicle Dealer's Permit - 15000 Credits: Ability to sell spacecraft.
Equipment Dealers Permit
Grade 1 - 500 Credits: Ability to sell basic hardware. Access to f flag.
Grade 2 - 4000 Credits: Ability to sell better hardware. Access to F flag.
Grade 3 - 9000 Credits: Ability to sell exotic hardware.
Junkers Permit - 500 Credits: Ability to junk and recycle droid and craft products and sell it.
Medical Liscence - 5000 Credits: Ability to operate on people.
Resource Gathering Operation Permit - 25000 Credits: Ability to gain resources to produce objects. Passive income = 1000 Credits per week.
Cargo Transport Permit - 500 Credits: Ownership of one cargo transport.
Starfighter Permit - 5000 Credits: Ownership of one starfighter.
Freighter Permit - 750 Credits: Ownership of one freighter.
Landspeeder Permit - 200: Ownership of one land speeder or swoop.