REEFER brownie Jawa application (Approved)

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REEFER brownie

New member
Steam Name: REEFER brownie <3

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:49398153

Discord Name: REEFER brownie <3 #7446

Character Name: Teuosec Indemisi

Species/Droid Class and Model: Jawa

Skills, Equipment, Other Items: Skills, would include being a quick and agile little guy, quick with his hands. Equipment would include little tools for messing with machinery, tinkering, fixing, and other items might include a taser as seen in ( EP4)

Backstory (not required, but encouraged) :
Teuosec was a scavenger just like his fellow tribe, where he began rummaging through the cargo hold of a ship at the mos eisley spaceport. Attempting to steal off of the ship, found himself being trapped and the ship began to take off. The ships lands here, and this is where his story begins.
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