The CHESPA Program is a program created by the Cascadian Corpo-Government, as means to not only partially solve a major housing crisis, in the 5 UrbSprawls (Megacities) of Cascadia, with growing financial and class disparity between the rich and poor - but also as a means to "outsource" labor, to countries.
What that labor is? Well - it becomes more apparent, the longer you spend on the street, in MetroHK.
Simply put, CHESPA stands for "Cascadian Housing Exchange in the Southern Pacific Areas," and it's exactly what it sounds like, and it's precisely why you're in the unfortunate situation that you are - living in Japanese Hong Kong, and caught up in this current situation - the Chinese Kuomintang's attempt to retake Hong Kong, by force.
Cascadia sets you up with a new life in Hong Kong, no questions asked - but it comes at the price of you more than likely getting swept up in the current revolt against the attempted invasion.
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