The CREST Program is a last-measure program, introduce by the Japanese Corporate State, JTRI.
Crest stands for "Community Restoration in Extreme Social Tensions," and is generally not simply a program, but a mode of law, by which Japanese cities, or nation-states, such as Hong Kong, function under, when under extreme duress.
As the fighting has continued, and Japan has nearly become completely annexed, with Japanese Hong Kong being the *least* Chinese-influenced in all of their territories, the CREST program was activated.
The CREST Program entails this:
- A lift on the normal bans on all firearms, which were typical in Japanese metropolitan areas.
- A lift on the normal bans of destructive devices, which were typical in Japanese metropolitan areas.
- A lift on the ban on the sales of firearms and ammunitions.
- A lift on the ban of certain types of augmentation, and aug-mods, for the purpose of combat.
- The implementation of the Killmark.
- The implementation of the KCX (Killmark Currency Exchange.)
The CREST program allows for a certain degree of property damage, and while it is not ideal - allows some space for things damaged in the middle of guerrilla warfare, with insurance plans in place for business owners, and civilians in order to replace anything damaged as collateral damage, whilst fighting any crest-marked individuals, or groups. People volunteering their goods for the use in crest-marked warfare, are not entitled to any sort of replacement, if their personal property becomes damaged.
JCORP's remaining security force's main job currently is to not only take part in crest-marked warfare, but also to assist CREST Program volunteers, as well as act as observers, to ensure that CREST volunteers do not cause any major structural damage, in the process.
Think of it as a sense of controlled anarchy.
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