1. Do not store anything that is not a permit, license, certification, ID, or document, in the DocBook item.
2. Do not double-stack your CyberWare, unless you have had specific surgery done for extra limbs.
3. Do not double-stack ChipWare unless you're permitted to use it on multiple limbs.
4. Any time you communicate on your phone in any sort of timescale or turnbased event (Such as combat, or other types of interactions) you must RP taking your phone out, to communicate on it. The only except to this rule is if you have a SprawlLINK, which is an item that allows you to use SprawlNET through your neurals. The UI is projected onto your CyberOpticals, and you are able to use SprawlNET through your neural uplink, if you have one. The total items you need for this are: Arch, Phone, CyberOpticals of any tier, Neural Interface of any tier, Neural Uplink, and a SprawlLINK.
5. Any time you communicate on your radio, in any sort of timescale or turnbased event (Such as combat, or other types of interactions) you must RP using the radio, to communicate on it. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Neural Uplink, which requires a Neural Interface.
6. If your character has a job that requires flags, and involves you selling items from the business menu PRIMARILY, you aren't entitled to a /paycheck.
7. The SysRAT Is the only exception to the slotting rule. You'll notice that things such as CyberWare usually are like, "Right Arm CyberWare", or "Left ARm CyberWare." THis is because CyberWare slots to the BODY, but our augmentation plugin code uses "subslots" and "sub inventories" and so that means ChipWare are times will slot to CyberWare. Meaning that right now, if you come across ChipWare that has slots saying "Left Arm" or "Right Arm" (Usually they say things like, Right Arm mod, or something.) then you can slot them multiple times. If you have any questions, ask.
8. Take your Erotic shit to private mediums/places, out of view. If you're unsure, use /meclose anyways.
9. The SysRAT is not an item that can be mounted to non-augmented limbs. The only reason that the slotting for it includes arms, legs, and the Arch, is largely because it only functions as the base "Firmware" platform for your QuickProgs to mount. Consider the idea that all tiers of SysRat, until you reach Tier 5, are provided with one mount for a QuickProg.
10. You cannot make your character "unhackable."
11. The only form of transaction that is not actively monitored, or logged, is by physically using your blank CasChip, transferring money on it, giving it to someone else, and then having them transfer the money to themselves, through it.
12. All vehicles require /hack rolls of 350+ to silently unlock. Rolls of 425+ are required to "hotwire" the ignition system. You get two attempts, before the alarm triggers.
13. PhantomCabling into someone's Arch cannot be /hackdefend against.
14. Do not take things out of storages without RPing opening it, and RPing taking the item.
15. You cannot mug someone for CasCoin, unless they already have it on a chip. You have to PhantomCable into their Arch, and syphon their money. You need to have a Syphon QuickProg to do this, and the max you can take is 10% of their wallet.
2. Do not double-stack your CyberWare, unless you have had specific surgery done for extra limbs.
3. Do not double-stack ChipWare unless you're permitted to use it on multiple limbs.
4. Any time you communicate on your phone in any sort of timescale or turnbased event (Such as combat, or other types of interactions) you must RP taking your phone out, to communicate on it. The only except to this rule is if you have a SprawlLINK, which is an item that allows you to use SprawlNET through your neurals. The UI is projected onto your CyberOpticals, and you are able to use SprawlNET through your neural uplink, if you have one. The total items you need for this are: Arch, Phone, CyberOpticals of any tier, Neural Interface of any tier, Neural Uplink, and a SprawlLINK.
5. Any time you communicate on your radio, in any sort of timescale or turnbased event (Such as combat, or other types of interactions) you must RP using the radio, to communicate on it. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Neural Uplink, which requires a Neural Interface.
6. If your character has a job that requires flags, and involves you selling items from the business menu PRIMARILY, you aren't entitled to a /paycheck.
7. The SysRAT Is the only exception to the slotting rule. You'll notice that things such as CyberWare usually are like, "Right Arm CyberWare", or "Left ARm CyberWare." THis is because CyberWare slots to the BODY, but our augmentation plugin code uses "subslots" and "sub inventories" and so that means ChipWare are times will slot to CyberWare. Meaning that right now, if you come across ChipWare that has slots saying "Left Arm" or "Right Arm" (Usually they say things like, Right Arm mod, or something.) then you can slot them multiple times. If you have any questions, ask.
8. Take your Erotic shit to private mediums/places, out of view. If you're unsure, use /meclose anyways.
9. The SysRAT is not an item that can be mounted to non-augmented limbs. The only reason that the slotting for it includes arms, legs, and the Arch, is largely because it only functions as the base "Firmware" platform for your QuickProgs to mount. Consider the idea that all tiers of SysRat, until you reach Tier 5, are provided with one mount for a QuickProg.
10. You cannot make your character "unhackable."
11. The only form of transaction that is not actively monitored, or logged, is by physically using your blank CasChip, transferring money on it, giving it to someone else, and then having them transfer the money to themselves, through it.
12. All vehicles require /hack rolls of 350+ to silently unlock. Rolls of 425+ are required to "hotwire" the ignition system. You get two attempts, before the alarm triggers.
13. PhantomCabling into someone's Arch cannot be /hackdefend against.
14. Do not take things out of storages without RPing opening it, and RPing taking the item.
15. You cannot mug someone for CasCoin, unless they already have it on a chip. You have to PhantomCable into their Arch, and syphon their money. You need to have a Syphon QuickProg to do this, and the max you can take is 10% of their wallet.